Thursday, December 26, 2019
Abortion is Wrong Essay - 738 Words
I have always been convinced that abortion should be illegal. I have always been taught to consider that when a fetus (a baby developing inside the stomach) is growing it has feelings, emotions, and physical processes that make him or her alive just like people who have been born. To have an abortion is to kill someone; it is murder. Often, the aftermath of abortion is devastating with guilt, shame, and even death. Since every action has a consequence, I think we should act in righteousness. Abortion is wrong because it endangers a person’s health, creates negative psychological effects, contradicts my convictions, and goes against the Bible. The first major reason why I am against abortion is that it has too many heath risks involved.†¦show more content†¦If blood transfusions go wrong, a risk of viral hepatitis can occur and cause death. With these two dangers, I considered that abortion can have devastating results that can lead to death. Another result of abortion is negative psychological consequences. I also believe abortion causes regret. Anne Baker, a counselor at Hope Clinic in Granite City, Illinois, stated that whenever she counseled a woman who went through an abortion they often felt guilty because they did not consider the consequences often; they felt a in their life (Welch). Another instance was where Mrs. Mestraud, went through an abortion and she said, â€Å"I feel like a murderer,†¦Ã¢â‚¬ After the abortion Mestraud said that she couldn’t talk to anyone. It is evident from these instances that abortions can cause people to feel remorse for their actions. The other reason I am against abortion is that it‘s illogical and immoral. I believe that abortions occur because of irresponsibility of people. Since I live in a place that has an abundance of people committing fornication and having unsafe sex, a lot of people get pregnant and don’t want to take responsibility for what they have done. Instead of a bortion occurring, birth should take place and either the biological parents or the adoptive parents should take care of the baby. This way a woman can avoid taking the of a life of an innocent unborn. I think that life starts when the baby is developing in the womb or it would not developShow MoreRelatedAbortion - the Wrong of Abortion 1706 Words  | 7 PagesAbortion is one of the most controversial topics of all times. The definition most people associate with abortion is the termination of unwanted pregnancy. In their essay, â€Å"The Wrong of Abortion†, Patrick Lee and Robert P. George argue that intentional abortion is unjust and therefore objectively immoral no matter the circumstances. Also, they argue that â€Å"the burden of carrying the baby is significantly less than the harm the baby would suffer by being killed; the mother and father have a specialRead MoreIs Abortion Wrong? Abortion? Essay863 Words  | 4 PagesTonitta Tottress Kelly Eliis 11/1/14 Eng. 1302 Is Abortion Wrong? What is abortion? Well some say it’s the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Maybe it’s when the pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child known as termination birth ( and last but not least from the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, they state that â€Å"abortion is ending a pregnancy before the fetus (unborn child) can live independentlyRead MoreIs Abortion Wrong? Abortion?1321 Words  | 6 PagesIs Abortion Wrong? There continues to be a hot debate on abortion. Some people feel that this issue is neither right nor wrong, just simply a â€Å"to each his own†idiom. Those who are for abortion, tend to believe a woman has a right to decide what goes in her body and if she is capable of bringing life into this world. On the other side, there is an equal fervent opposition that killing an innocent unborn baby is wrong and unjustly, murder in the first degree of a helpless baby. Not only are theyRead MoreAbortion - â€Å"the Wrong of Abortion†1696 Words  | 7 PagesAbortion is one of the most controversial topics of all times. The definition most people associate with abortion is the termination of unwanted pregnancy. In their essay, â€Å"The Wrong of Abortion†, Patrick Lee and Robert P. George argue that intentional abortion is unjust and therefore objectively immoral no matter the circumstances. Also, they argue that â€Å"the burden of carrying the baby is significantly less than the harm the baby would suffer by being killed; the mother and father have a specialRead MoreThe Wrongs Of Abortion : Abortion1298 Words  | 6 PagesSeptember 2014 The Wrongs of Abortion Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have your right to live taken away? A baby fetus doesn’t even get a chance to decide whether or not they want to live or not when inside the mothers’ womb. A baby has no say because the mother has the power to just â€Å"get rid†of a child. Abortion would just be a gateway to get rid of a child by killing it. There are many other different ways to prevent or give away a child you do not want. Abortion isn’t the onlyRead MoreAbortion Is Wrong Or Not? Essay1598 Words  | 7 Pagesthe issue of abortion over many of years. Religion, moral beliefs, choice, pro-life, conception, ect, are major themes introduced during arguments regarding whether abortion is wrong or not. In 1973, in the case of Roe v. Wade abortion was legalized at the federal level, but ultimately it was left up to the states to choose how they wanted to oversee abortion laws. The state of New Jersey has a proposed a new law â€Å"S2026: à ¢â‚¬Å"Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,†which bans abortion 20 weeks or moreRead MoreAbortion Is Wrong1072 Words  | 5 PagesI believe that abortion is wrong and it’s a social problem. I think that it is wrong to have an abortion because life begins at conception. Abortion is no different to murder as it is the act of taking a human life. As in California penal code 187 says murder is an unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus with malice. I think the above definition is an easier and less aggressive way to say that abortion is the murdering of a human being. No civilized society should permit any person to intentionallyRead MoreAbortion Is Wrong776 Words  | 4 Pagesthere are approximately 125,000 abortions performed all over the world. This is 125,000 innocent children whose lives were ended for them by their own parents. Abortion is cruel and unfair and should be illegal everywhere around the world. With abortion being cruel and unfair, it is c ompletely immoral. Abortion is one of the most immoral things you can possibly do to another living human being. Bishop Christopher Jones of Elphin says,†Abortion is always morally wrong†(Daily Mail, 2013). â€Å"We claim thatRead MoreAbortion Is Morally Wrong?1206 Words  | 5 PagesAbortion is one of the most divisive, controversial issues in today’s culture. Generally, there are two main stances one may take regarding the issue. However, many people hold views that are less extreme and do not favor one position or the other. One philosopher, Don Marquis, is against abortion in his essay, â€Å"Why Abortion is Immoral.†He opens his paper with the statement that the view of abortion as seriously immoral has not received much support, while the anti-abortion position is supportedRead MoreIs Abortion Morally Wrong?1397 Words  | 6 PagesAbortion is viewed as an ethical issue worldwide as it has many debates which causes question: Should it be considered morally ethical or not? Should it be legal or illegal? Is it wrong, is it, right? In addition to multiple theories: Beliefs, Morality, Logic, Science and many others. Some argue that abortion is morally wrong because it has a right to life. While the opposing view believe that its morally correct because it holds no right to life. The text â€Å"The Deliberately Induced Abortion of
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Change For Transformative Change - 795 Words
Before Winston Peters selected Jacinda Ardern as prime minister, the consensus was that there had been no dramatic shift. National was down a smidgen, Labour was up, NZ First was down a bit and the Greens were lucky to survive. Peters was the kingmaker, but there hadnt been a wholesale rejection of the status quo. This remains the best description of the 2017 election result. But since Peters decided on Labour, analytical discipline has started to break down. Somehow, the preference of one man is now seen as a national mood for transformative change. In a way, it is easy to see how this has happened. In 2015, a youthful and congenial Justin Trudeau stormed in to power in Canada. His Liberals dominated the popular vote in a landslide†¦show more content†¦In fact, this kind of result could have happened in the previous three elections. In 2008, for example, when National swept to power, NZ First won just over 4 per cent. Not reaching the 5-per cent threshold, Peters and chums crashed out of Parliament. Votes for NZ First were disregarded and had no influence on the makeup of Parliament. But, had the party won another 30,000 votes that year, things may have been different. Together, National and ACT would have won only 59 out of 122 seats. The Clark Government already had confidence and supply from United Future, NZ First and the Greens. Had it been able to add the MÄ ori Party to its existing alliance, it could have clung to power. In 2011, we saw the formation of the so-called Conservative Party. It received almost 60,000 votes that year, running on a similar platform to NZ First. If half of those votes went to NZ First instead, Labour may have been able to pull off the formation of a Government. Then, in the 2014 election, the Conservative Party received more than 95,000 votes. Had half of those gone to NZ First, a Labour-led Government was possible then too. Had Hone Harawira also hung on in Te Tai Tokerau, a change in Government would have been even more likely. Every election under MMP will be close. While the system is meant to be proportional, the party vote and electoral seat thresholds introduce quirks into the system. There is an element of randomness in theShow MoreRelatedCarla And Kent Acceptance Of Transformative Mediation1368 Words  | 6 PagesCarla and Kent acceptance of Transformative Mediation In the case of the Suburban General Hospital, consultants, Carla who manages emergency shelters and clinics and Kent a technology consultant are in conflict over the new patient billing software that Kent developed and wants implemented in the hospital’s clinics and doctor’s offices, for he feels the software is ready and will be widely accepted by the physicians. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Growth of Online Universities in United States
Question: a. Provide a descriptive analysis of the two variables (e.g; mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) b. Develop a scatter diagram with retention rate as the independent variable. What does the scatter diagram indicate about the relationship between the two variables? c. Develop and estimate a regression equation that can be used to predict the graduation rate (%) given the retention rate (%). d. State the estimated regression equation and interpret the meaning of the slope coefficient. e. Is there a statistically significant association between graduation rate (%) and retention rate (%). What is your conclusion? f. Did the regression equation provide a good fit? Explain. g. Suppose you were the president of South University. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? h. Suppose you were the president of the University of Phoenix. After reviewing the results, would you have any concerns about the performance of your university compared to other online universities? Your report needs to be structured as follows: 1. Purpose 2. Background 3. Method 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. Recommendations Answer: 1. Purpose: Online universities or colleges need aid made should provide for training of the learners who cant make display physically in the accepted setting for example, such that classroom. It needs a point of a huge scale intelligent support also open entry through alternately through web and different system innovations. Presently a day this procedure of taking in or instruction may be expanding. Those across the board utilization from claiming workstations what's more web need aggravated those methodology for taking in alternately instruction through web college quicker also simpler. These would putting forth a full educational module concerning illustration same concerning illustration an ordinary university, anyway in later times there is disaffirm between internet college or university as well as some ordinary school. The on the web or online training database is an free association whose mission will be with produce a thorough rundown certify internet universities or collages (Martin a nd Others, 2009). The reason for retention rate is should screen or watch to attracting furthermore holding scholars for those colleges. Retention rate will be computed by net pay of the university or college fewer profits isolated by net pay. Growth rate may be the rate of increment of the amount about understudies of the online universities or colleges, hypothetical orders had more distinction than difficult work. Presently I am setting off to dissect the middle of those retention rate and growth rate of the internet based universities on United State of America (USA). 2. Background: In higher scholars would confronting disaffirm on pick school alternately online universities or colleges. Which school ought they decide web school alternately typical university? On later days understudies are picking Web/ Online universities or colleges as opposed to ordinary school. So there will be showing up a greatest test to higher training segment need been late growth of Online universities or colleges. Along these lines we must dissect those growth rate and retention rate of the web colleges done United State of America (USA). 3. Method: For this dissection we are making mean, maximum as well as standard deviation of the retention rate and growth rate of the web colleges from claiming United State of America (USA). Furthermore we are additionally utilizing regression comparison through graduation rate also retention rate. After that we are ascertaining the regression co effective and statistically find that importance the middle of graduation rate and retention rate. 4. Results: As stated by those giving information situated or excel expectations provided, we effortlessly discuses or ascertain the conclusions alternately results or outputs. The results or the outputs would measured toward those assistance for exactly spellbinding examination in mean or average, standard deviation, base and in addition most extreme (minimum and maximum value) utilizing programming in Microsoft office (MS- Excel). Those giving information situated of the colleges or universities as well as it is in addition its retention rate and graduation rate are indicated in below by the help of the table. College Retention Rate in percentage (%) Graduation Rate in percentage (%) Western International University 7 25 South University 51 25 University of Phoenix 4 28 American InterContinental University 29 32 Franklin University 33 33 Devry University 47 33 Tiffin University 63 34 Post University 45 36 Peirce College 60 36 Everest University 62 36 Upper Iowa University 67 36 Dickinson State University 65 37 Western Governors University 78 37 Kaplan University 75 38 Salem International University 54 39 Ashford University 45 41 ITT Technical Institute 38 44 Berkeley College 51 45 Grand Canyon University 69 46 Nova Southeastern University 60 47 Westwood College 37 48 Everglades University 63 50 Liberty University 73 51 LeTourneau University 78 52 Rasmussen College 48 53 Keiser University 95 55 Herzing College 68 56 National University 100 57 Florida National College 100 61 Starting with the provided for majority of the data over those retention rate of online universities or colleges of United State of America (USA) we would setting off with aggravate a scramble outline as well as accepting the retention rate and also development rate likewise autonomous variable. As stated by the giving information situated those base value/ minimum value, greatest value/ maximum value, standard deviation and mean are demonstrated clinched alongside beneath by those help of the table. Minimum 4 25 Maximum 100 61 Mean 57.41379 41.75862 Standard Deviation 23.24023 9.865724 Those over table may be measured or fathoming toward that assistance about Microsoft Excel or MS- Excel as well as some basic excel and mathematical formulas. Where, mean quality of the retention rate will be equivalent to aggregate whole of cash of the retention rate for rate (%) separated by the downright no off on the online universities or colleges such as 57. 414 and in addition mean quality of the Graduation rate may be equivalent to aggregate of the graduation rate in rate (%) isolated by those aggregate no from claiming on the online universities or colleges such as 41. 759. Similarly, those standard deviation may be measured toward = (( (x-)^2)/(N-1)) or Where, = those standard deviation x = every quality of the information set = the mean quality N = those amount from claiming qualities alternately span of the information situated. Toward that assistance of the over equation we will effectively measured alternately figure those standard deviation of the retention rate may be 23. 2402 and in addition the standard deviation about graduation rate is 9. 8657. Presently need aid making a scatter outline by taking under attention about growth rate Also retention rate of the online universities or colleges of United State of America (USA). From those scatter outline should be obvious that development or growth rate and retention rate are bury vivo trust related. Assuming that development rate will expand afterward retention rate will likewise expand. That rate from claiming both retention and growth are upward climbing. Those system of Common minimum square is providing for ensure that gauge those regression line which will be additionally those best fitting line, need been drawn starting with those provided for information (Canadian economy online, 2003). Here in the over diffuse outline those plot doesn't appear to be should lie near that accordance. With the goal we might say that those regression line alternately the best fitting line will fit in delicately. Currently we would make a outline yield for regression facts by a suspicion. SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.621627987 R Square 0.386421354 Adjusted R Square 0.362822175 Standard Error 17.1688846 Observations 28 Right away we need aid making an assessed regression comparison as well as translating those co-efficient incline or slope. In place will would this we have expect the qualities. In the followings we bring assess regression and lingering. Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept -0.427733114 15.09197951 -0.02834175 0.97760601 -31.44974098 30.59427475 -31.44974098 30.59427475 25 1.408074644 0.34797141 4.046523943 0.000414052 0.692809173 2.123340114 0.692809173 2.123340114 In the underneath table we are demonstrating to the distinctive regression Furthermore remaining for df, SS, MS, F and significance or importance of F. We would additionally giving work to their downright. ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 4826.678724 4826.678724 16.37435602 0.000414052 Residual 26 7664.035561 294.7705985 Total 27 12490.71429 In the followings there will be a graph of coefficients, standard error, t-Stat, P-value, lower and upper rates. Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0% Intercept -0.427733114 15.09197951 -0.02834175 0.97760601 -31.44974098 30.59427475 -31.44974098 30.59427475 25 1.408074644 0.34797141 4.046523943 0.000414052 0.692809173 2.123340114 0.692809173 2.123340114 In the accompanying we need aid demonstrating to those observations, prediction 7 and also residuals in the beneath table starting with 1-28 different variables. RESIDUAL OUTPUT Observation Predicted 7 Residuals 1 34.77413297 16.22586703 2 38.9983569 -34.9983569 3 44.63065548 -15.63065548 4 46.03873012 -13.03873012 5 46.03873012 0.961269879 6 47.44680476 15.55319524 7 50.26295405 -5.262954052 8 50.26295405 9.737045948 9 50.26295405 11.73704595 10 50.26295405 16.73704595 11 51.6710287 13.3289713 12 51.6710287 26.3289713 13 53.07910334 21.92089666 14 54.48717798 -0.487177983 15 57.30332727 -12.30332727 16 61.5275512 -23.5275512 17 62.93562584 -11.93562584 18 64.34370049 4.656299513 19 65.75177513 -5.751775131 20 67.15984977 -30.15984977 21 69.97599906 -6.975999061 22 71.3840737 1.615926295 23 72.79214835 5.207851652 24 74.20022299 -26.20022299 25 77.01637228 17.98362772 26 78.42444692 -10.42444692 27 79.83252157 20.16747843 28 85.46482014 14.53517986 5. Discussion: Starting with those provided for information we have ascertained the regression comparison. Translation about coefficient similarly as a change from claiming rate about Y may be set up for as a transform in the restrictive mean from claiming Y. There is no necessity of taking certainty intervals to coefficients under accounts. The point when we assess or translated a regression coefficient effectively as a rate for change of a restrictive imply which may be instead of a progress previously, provided for two variables. It will be a whole lot essential should make under attention the questionable matter in the estimation of the regression coefficient. Similarly as for every this system I bring computed those regression comparison offering. Which would y= 1.860x + 29.51 and y= 1.143x + 24.60 Notwithstanding I need taken a 95% certainty interim to those incline. That rate about change of the restrictive mean about Y with admiration to x will be assessed to a chance to be the middle of 1. 860 Also 1.143 is typically preferable to saying; the rate from claiming change of the restrictive imply about Y for admiration to x is close to something like 2 or a greater amount. The elucidation of the coefficient about which may be not statistically critical. This sort of interpretations will be regularly made shockingly (Drennan, 2002). If that regression coefficient about t test will be not statistically significant, this won't make the proper will decipher or assess the coefficient. There is no statistically critical straight which dependence of imply of Y looking into x might have been distinguished. In the translation from claiming coefficients in the different regressions with the same dialect alternately variable will be fundamentally utilized within single straight regression. As stated by those giving information situated alternately outperform sheet the retention rate quality of the south college will be a significant part higher over admiration of the graduation rate esteem. Those retention rate worth over rate of the South University is 51% and additionally those graduation rate esteem of the South University may be best 25%. Therefore, the retention rate esteem of the South University will be 26% more than that graduation rate esteem. This will be indicated that those Growth of the university, which is likewise associated of the Growth of the university and in addition at those retention rate quality will be expand over the regression rate worth of the south college will be also expand. We unmistakably said that that retention rate quality of the South University is likewise specifically proportional of the regression rate quality. Consequently the regression comparison of the South University will be beneficial fit and also that development rate and the development of the South University may be increment. Therefore, those numbers of the learners would additionally increments and in addition those school is likewise advertised a percentage new stream alternately taking in project for some new learners. Consequently it is obviously said that those retention rate worth when expand over those benefits of the business model will be on benefit. As stated by those providing for information situated or exceed expectations sheet those retention rate worth of the University of Phoenix will be much bring down over appreciation of the graduation rate quality. The retention rate worth over rate of that University of Phoenix will be best 04% and in addition the graduation rate quality of the University of Phoenix may be 28%. Therefore, the graduation rate esteem of the college for phoenix will be 24% more than that retention rate esteem. The retention rate worth will be indicated that the development of the university, which may be additionally associated of the growth of the college or University of Phoenix and additionally when those retention rate esteem is expansion over the regression rate worth of the college of phoenix will be also increment yet all the University of Phoenix the graduation rate quality may be builds and more than the retention rate worth (McCraw, 2012). Henceforth that regression comparison of the college fo r phoenix will be not useful fit and additionally the growth rate and the growth of the University of Phoenix will be diminishing. Therefore, those numbers of the understudies need aid likewise declines and also the university or college will be finished not advertised some new stream alternately taking in system for a percentage new people. In this way it is unmistakably said that the graduation rate esteem when expansion over those benefits of the business model is over misfortune. 6. Recommendation: As stated by those over research endeavor we will effortlessly measure exactly spellbinding dissection like mean, standard deviation, least quality or minimum value and greatest quality or maximum value as well as additionally regression qualities about a few internet universities, which may be Additionally talked about clinched alongside over. That retention rate esteem and the graduation rate esteem of the internet colleges need aid also Gave done rate (%). By those help of the retention rate esteem Furthermore graduation rate worth we will also figure out or measures those regression values of the on the web colleges (Miller, 2010). Those regression values of the internet colleges need aid also examines to over. Those regression qualities of the online universities or colleges would additionally demonstrated those development of the on the web colleges in additions of the students, expanding the attractive in system additionally exactly others, which will be likewise associated of the net benefit of the colleges or business model. 7. References Anderson, K., Cockburn, J. and Martin, W. (2009). Would freeing up world trade reduce poverty and inequality?. Adelaide: Centre for International Economic Studies. Canadian economy online. (2003). Choice Reviews Online, 40(12), pp.40Sup-0415-40Sup-0415. Drennan, M. (2002). The information economy and American cities. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. Levy, B. (2009). Town born. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. McCraw, T. (2012). The Founders and Finance. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Miller, N. (2010). Botanical aspects of environment and economy at Gordion, Turkey. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Quarter, J., Mook, L. and Ryan, S. (2010). Researching the social economy. Toronto [Ont.]: University of Toronto Press. Ruskin's artists: studies in the Victorian visual economy: papers from the Ruskin Programme, Lancaster University. (2000). Choice Reviews Online, 38(02), pp.38-0714-38-0714. The indispensable university: higher education, economic development, and the knowledge economy. (2010). Choice Reviews Online, 47(12), pp.47-6986-47-6986. Welfens, P. and Walther-Klaus, E. (2007). Digital excellence. Berlin: Springer.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Robert Browning Porphyria Lover Essay Example
Robert Browning Porphyria Lover Paper In Robert Browning’s poem, â€Å"Porphyria Lover,†both the speaker and Porphyria desire to be the most dominate partner in their relationship. Porphyria, however, brings tension into their relationship when she constantly attempts to be the most dominate partner. As the tensions keep increasing, the speaker finds it hard to fulfill his role as a man. However, when Porphyria’s weakness is brought to the speaker’s attention, he attempts to take full advantage. In the beginning of the poem, Porphyria appears to be the most dominate partner. For example, when Porphyria enters the cottage, she becomes very active, while the speaker remains still: â€Å"She is active, he is passive; she is talkative, and he is silent; she comes in after being with many other people, while he sits alone and isolated in his cottage†(Hacht 152). Obviously, Porphyria is the one in dominion. Annie Hacht also agrees that Porohyria â€Å"is clearly more in charge†(155). In addition, Porphyria feels she is able to control the speaker because she comes from a wealthy class: â€Å"The fact that she was at a â€Å"gay feast’ indicates that she is from the wealthy classes, and so s he has a much higher social position than he (speaker)†(Hacht 155). The fact that a Porphyria is wealthier in the relationship makes it difficult for the speaker to have complete control. Though Porphyria is in command, she also becomes very forceful: â€Å"She (Porphyria) put my arm around her waist / And made her smooth white shoulder bare / And all her yellow hair displaced / And, stooping, made my cheek lie there†(Browning 16-19). We will write a custom essay sample on Robert Browning Porphyria Lover specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Robert Browning Porphyria Lover specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Robert Browning Porphyria Lover specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Before Prophyria tries to seduce the speaker, she reveals her forcefulness and dominance in the relationship (Hacht 152). When Porphyria enters into the cottage, in the beginning of the poem, her presence becomes forceful: â€Å"She shut the cold out and the storm†(Browning 7). Hacht also agrees that Porphyria‘s presence is also forceful as she enters the cottage. Even though Porphyria is the most active person in her relationship, she defeats her lover’s need to feel like a man, which leads him to grief. The speaker is in love with Porphyria; however, because she is so powerful in the relationship, the speaker becomes unable to fulfill his role as a man. Unable to demonstrate himself as a man, the speaker finds himself resentful: â€Å"The fact that the woman is more powerful in the relationship is contrary to the stereotype, and this may be the reason for the speaker’s resentment†(Hacht 155). Even though Porphyria remains to have complete control over their relationship, he shows her weakness by expressing her love for the speaker: â€Å"Murmuring how she loved meâ€â€she / Too weak, for her heart to endeavor†(Browning 21-22). Hacht indicates, in the beginning, when Porphyria comes from â€Å"what she needed to do, she is weak and struggling, tor n between the party’s allure and coming through wind and rain to be with him†(155). However, when Porphyria compromises her dominance by showing her devotion, the speaker takes the opportunity to hav e total control. By regaining control, and as a result his manhood, the speaker decides to kill Porphyria to preserve her love towards him forever: â€Å"Perfectly pure and good: I found / A thing to do, and all her hair / In one long yellow string I wound / Three time s her little throat around / And strangled her. No pain had she felt†(Browning 37-41). Annie Hacht realizes that â€Å"[w]hen he (speaker) kills her, he finally reverses their roles so that he is in control†(155). After the speaker kills Porphyria, he â€Å"feels his action is justified because he has captured . . the be a uty of their relationship†(Hacht 156). As a result, the speaker willingly kills his lover, so he is able to control her and their relationship. In conclusion, in Robert Browning’s poem â€Å"Porphyria’s Lover†both lovers are capture in the power of having complete control. By providing Porphyria with dominance and the speaker with insanity, Browning helps the reader under stand the consequences of an unstable relationship. Together the characters both fail to realize the destruction they put towards one another and their relationship.
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